Praise/Prayer Meeting

Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday of Every Month from 6pm to 7pm

Order of Praise/Prayer Meeting

1 – Opening Prayer by leader
2 –  A time of Silent Prayer/Waiting (about 5-10 minutes)
3 – Opening up by the leader for shared prayer
4 – Praise/Prayer/Proclamation – Song – praying and singing according to God’s will.
(There will be an emphasis of worship/prayer/scripture in song – be prepared to lift your voice with prayer as the Holy Spirit leads – the musician(s) will many times pick up on that prayer and sing spontaneously according to their particular gifting.)
You are encouraged to share a psalm, prayer, song or scripture verse.
You are encouraged to spontaneously sing in the spirit according to 1 Cor 14:15
5 – Closing Song
6 – Together Pray: Our Father

Specific Prayer Requests
  • Ministry Leaders of BCC
  • Giving opportunities according to: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
  • God’s provision for all our members

A Definition of Intercession

In Intercession the Spirit of God pleads the covenant promises made throughout history to be enacted in our day.

This inspired form of Intercession is the urge to pray, given by the Holy Spirit, for a situation or circumstance about which you may have little natural knowledge. But you are praying the prayer request that is on the heart of God.

As much as any time in history, it is time for believers in Jesus to take up the call to pray what is in the heart of God to be enacted for this generation!

How does Intercession Work?

He nudges you to pray so that He can intervene. The Holy Spirit Himself directs you to pray in a divine manner to bring forth His will on earth as it already is in heaven.

In other words, Intercession is the ability to receive a prayer request from God and pray it back to Him. God’s hand comes on you, and He imparts His burden to you.

Intercession is not as much praying to God as it is praying with God!

Oh my! What a difference! Your God-inspired, God-directed Intercession is powerful and effective.

intercessors do not take those little plastic “promise boxes” with Bible verses inside and randomly select a verse to pray through. Instead, they combine waiting, listening and reading the Scriptures with letting the Holy Spirit remind them of the particular promise that is on His heart at that moment.

They let God’s heartbeat pulse in their own beings.

Intercession pleads for the maturity of the Body of Christ – that the society of redeemed mankind would expand to the ends of the earth. It is the place where the priest and prophet unite, calling “for the earth [to] be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)

Three Definitions of Intercession:

Intercession is the ability to receive an immediate prayer request from God and pray about it in a divinely anointed utterance.

Intercession is waiting before God in order to “hear” or receive God’s burden (God’s Word, His concern, warning, conditions, vision or promises), responding back to the Lord and then to the people with appropriate actions.

Intercession is not as much praying to God as it is praying with God. We let go of our agendas and we take the time to receive the desires that are in God’s heart. Thus, Intercession (revelatory prayer) is praying with God!

James W. Goll (